Powerline Networking Uses High Bandwidth


The question “What is the use of powerline networking technology?” has already been answered correctly and we have answered the question. A single device connects to a current home LAN via an existing outlet and an existing network (switched or unswitched). The device is required to support Ethernet technology otherwise the entire process fails. It is very easy to install and most devices are compliant to low voltage and high speeds. 

Let us explain further how this technology works: An Ethernet Network uses physical cabling within a house or building to send and receive data. This physical cabling must be arranged in such a way that each device understands it’s location and can gain an understanding of the physical layout of the household. This is typically done through the use of powerline networking adapters that are installed within the physical cabling structure and it is these adapters that enable the Internet to be accessed. 

There are two types of Ethernet Networks: Local Area Networks (LANs) and Wide Area Networks (WANs). One of the advantages of powerline networking is that it enables to place low cost WAN adapters within existing electrical outlets. This allows easy provisioning and configuration of the necessary interfaces for WAN devices to function properly. In this way we can explain the physical configuration of the device’s LANs and WANs, how they work and how we use them for applications cloud computing and business collocation etc. to help others understand how this technology can be applied. 

When the question: “what is the use of powerline networking technology” is asked, the physical cabling arrangement is clearly visible from the outside and from the inside it is clear what are the purposes. WANs are used for Internet connectivity but LANs are used within a premise for enabling devices such as printers, modems, scanners etc. to connect to a wired home network. An example is when you connect your scanner to a computer or your printer to a digital camera or your VoIP phone to a computer network; all these are within the premise but each of them is separate. Hence, the physical cable structure is not visible from the outside. Therefore, this aspect helps in explaining the use of this type of technology for enterprise applications and business collocation. 

The next statement: which explains the use of powerline networking technology to others is that a device connects to an established home lan using an Ethernet adapter and an Ethernet port. The purpose of this adapter/port is to provide a secure gateway for data transfers between the client computer and the server. From the outside, the point-to-point transfer looks like a wireless connection because there is no need for physical cable structure. Also, in case of point-to-point transfer, a device uses an active network cable for ensuring fast data transmission. Hence, from the perspective of clients, this type of technology looks very similar to a traditional WAN connection or a wired home network.

One of the reasons why many people choose: two different types of technology is because they are of different wattage consumption. Therefore, if you are trying to use a WAN for point-to-point connectivity or a LAN for voice traffic, it is better to use a device with a higher wattage. In case of LANs, you can select devices that support virtual LANs (VLAN’s) so that multiple computers can share the same network without any problem. In case of WAN, you can select devices that support WAN optimization so that your internet speed can be increased when a neighbor needs to upload information at a very high speed.

This way, you can maximize the use of power and also reduce the cost.