Solar Energy

Solar Energy & Resources

When Technology Fails: Understanding Why It Fails

When Technology Fails: Understanding Why It Fails

When technology fails to deliver the promised results, we fall back to a prior solution or an alternative for the problem. Technology is not an end in itself; it means to an end. Therefore, when technology fails to meet expectations it becomes a problem in its own...

Using Technology to Benefit Your Career

Using Technology to Benefit Your Career

A group of Kaiser University researchers conducted an interesting study about the impact of technology on employment. In their paper "New Technologies and Economic Performance: Evidence from the United States and England" published in the Journal of Labor Research,...

Effects of Changes in Information Technology

Effects of Changes in Information Technology

Changes in the use of computers and other technologies have led to significant effects on the working conditions and wages for IT workers. The effects of these changes in information technology are not entirely predictable in terms of their likely effects on society...

The Importance of DNA Technology

The Importance of DNA Technology

The debate on the importance of DNA testing continues to rage in the general public as well as legal circles. Opponents of the bill argue that it unconstitutionally violates the constitutional right to privacy and allows people to become a crime scene with little or...

The New High-Tech City of Cyberjaya, Malaysia

The New High-Tech City of Cyberjaya, Malaysia

The new high-tech city of Cyberjaya in the Philippines is fast emerging as the next technological hotspot in Southeast Asia. It is in fact the brainchild of entrepreneur Julius Kock, who founded the company Kock Enterprises in the early 1990s with the intention of...

Solar Energy

Solar Energy

Solar Energy is the electricity given by the Sun, which has been captured with the use of a series of ever-changing technologies including photovoltaic cells, solar heating, solar photovoltaic, solar thermal power, solar architecture and artificial Photosynthesis. The...

Solar Energy 101

Solar Energy 101

Solar energy is essentially the energy radiated by the Sun which is harnessed by a number of ever-changing technologies including photovoltaic, solar heating, solar photovoltaic, solar thermal power, solar architecture and artificial Photosynthetic crops. Solar energy...

How Does Solar Energy Work?

How Does Solar Energy Work?

Solar energy is the kind of energy that can be derived from the rays of the sun. The rays are so powerful that many scientists believe they may be able to provide us with complete energy requirements in a very short while. If this is true, then we have a lot of...

Solar Recourses of Solar Energy

Solar Recourses of Solar Energy

Solar Recourses of Solar Energy is a set of online classes that train you in the basic steps of using solar energy. With a course of this type, you will have all the information you need to build your own solar panel and be able to do the installation. The benefit of...

Save Money With Solar Energy

Save Money With Solar Energy

Solar Energy is heat and radiant energy from the Sun, which is harnessed by a wide range of ever-evolving technologies including solar heating systems, photovoltaic, solar thermal power, solar architecture, artificial Photosynthesis and solar hot water. Solar Energy...

Trending Tech

Solar Energy

Financial Futures Rewritten: The Impact of Fintech and Blockchain on Traditional Finance

The Impact of Fintech and Blockchain on Traditional Finance In the fast-evolving landscape of finance, two disruptive forces—fintech and blockchain—are collaborating to rewrite the rules of traditional finance. These innovative technologies are ushering in a new era,...

Money in the Digital Age: The Fusion of Technology and Finance Redefining the Industry.

Money in the Digital Age: The Fusion of Technology and Finance Redefining the Industry In an era defined by rapid technological advancements, the financial sector finds itself at the forefront of a revolution. The convergence of technology and finance is not merely a...

Financial Revolution 2.0: Exploring the Tech-Powered Evolution of Traditional Finance

Transforming the Landscape of Money and Markets In the annals of history, revolutions have often been marked by radical shifts, reshaping societies and industries. The financial world is no exception, and we find ourselves at the cusp of "Financial Revolution 2.0," a...

What is a CRM Analyzing Technology Question?

You have just as many questions as I do about CRM technology and how you can use it to improve your business. But let me ask you one question: Did sales hit or miss forecasts in the first quarter as a result of using new CRM software? If not, then why did you use new...

Powerline Networking Uses High Bandwidth

The question "What is the use of powerline networking technology?" has already been answered correctly and we have answered the question. A single device connects to a current home LAN via an existing outlet and an existing network (switched or unswitched). The device...

Development of New Technologies

The development of new technologies is one of the biggest things happening in the world today. More industries are utilizing the power of computers to help speed up processes and provide better services. With the development of new technologies, it has become...

When Technology Fails: Understanding Why It Fails

When technology fails to deliver the promised results, we fall back to a prior solution or an alternative for the problem. Technology is not an end in itself; it means to an end. Therefore, when technology fails to meet expectations it becomes a problem in its own...

Business Intelligence – Why Businesses Use Business Intelligence Tools

Business intelligence is the "new spine of power" for business, says Greg Marshall, president of AP Consulting, in an article at The Chicago Business Review. According to Mr. Marshall, "BI" for him is "business intelligence applied in the technology industry."...

What Production Technology Is Used the Most?

Production technology is the scientific development that goes into creating a product by altering any of its physical, chemical or electrical properties. The changes made can affect how the material will conduct a particular function or what it is capable of doing in...

Advantages of Concurrent Supply Chains Technology

Concurrent supply chains technology is becoming increasingly popular throughout different sectors of the global supply chain environment. One of the primary drivers of its adoption is the need for more cost-efficient and reliable ways of conducting business...

Main Role of a Technology Transfer

What exactly is the main role of a Technology Transfer Office in terms of collaborative scientific research? It helps facilitate collaborative research by providing facilities and infrastructure that help facilitate scientific research in the field of technology...

How DIMMs Can Provide Additional Reliability For an IT Infrastructure

DIMMs are very common in most recent server applications, and the main purpose behind their use is to provide extra reliability for servers. DIMMs are short for Dual Intelligent Model Multipoint Distribution Merexchange (DIMM). A Dual Intelligent Model is a...

How to Reduce Technology Associating Insider Threats

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) along with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) have taken measures to reduce technology-associated insider threats by investigating computer network security risks and installing security controls within companies'...

4 Key Technology Trends That Increases Ethical Issues

The current key technology trends that raises ethical issues in our society is invasive software. The developers of such programs are able to invade the personal computer and gather information about a person. When the information is gathered, the user is never given...

Bright Future With Solar Energy