Using Technology to Benefit Your Career

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A group of Kaiser University researchers conducted an interesting study about the impact of technology on employment. In their paper “New Technologies and Economic Performance: Evidence from the United States and England” published in the Journal of Labor Research, Autumn 2021, by Zhi Zhong, Jingjing Kong, Jengang Wu, Xianming Yang, Hong Kong Jiao and Yi Fu, it is stated that about thirty-six percent of the two thousand articles they researched had to do with employment. About three-fourths of these articles dealt with the IT industry. Some sixty-nine percent of these articles discussed new advances in technology which are being used by employers to promote employment. A total of twenty-nine different types of articles were found and these covered information technology, computer and Information technology, engineering and technology, business and economic development and educational technology. 

These articles analyzed data from a variety of different industries: including government, large and small businesses, nonprofit organizations and labor unions. Data was taken from the twenty-six different magazines from the period between April and December of each year. This article will also look at employment in IT industry and how it relates to employment in other sectors. The study also takes into consideration other employment opportunities for those who are skilled in IT. Because information technology is the fastest growing sector of the economy, there will be a high demand for qualified personnel in this industry. There will be plenty of job openings both in the private sector and for government jobs. 

One of the most interesting areas: of the research looked into was what happens to people who leave their jobs in the IT industry and move to places like Microsoft. The research found that roughly fourteen percent of the people who left IT jobs went to work for Microsoft. They also looked into what happens to the families of these workers after they leave the company. Surprisingly, the authors found that the number of workers moving from one company to another decreases as the number of employees move up. 

Another interesting part of the research was: what happens to those who travel from one location to another. Surprisingly, the researchers found that approximately forty-four percent of these workers use data phones. They do so to call their former employers to update their contact information and find out more about what they have been offered. This makes sense, since many people would rather have access to their former employer’s database rather than looking for it on their own. 

The researchers also took a look at the various: types of communication devices that are used to keep in touch these days. As you might expect, the phone is a common device that is used by those leaving IT jobs. The phone does not have to remain just a business phone. Today’s cell phones can also function as an IT tool. As a result, there are more mobile workers today than ever before. 

The research conducted: by the Kaiser Family Foundation showed that there is a significant increase in technology use for those leaving IT employment. Those leaving IT positions are certainly not alone in their desire to stay connected. As the trends in technology continue to change, those leaving IT will need to keep up with the times if they want to stay competitive in the job market.