The Philosophy Of Science


Science has been a major influence to human life since its very beginning. It started with the ancient Greeks, who produced the first known science fiction writing and established the first educational institutions. Later on, Romans brought about many innovations like the concept of cause and effect in chemistry, microscope and also introduced the concept of natural selection. China also contributed to the world of science with its great contributions to science fiction, mathematics and medical technologies. In modern times, great minds from all over the world are still trying to produce fresh inventions that can further enhance human life.

Because of these great contributions made by different people, a lot of policies have been formulated to promote scientific knowledge and to prevent nonscientific activities. For instance, there is a campaign to promote the use of noninvasive testing methods to identify genetic diseases. Similarly, there is a campaign to improve the use of laboratory techniques for the purpose of precision genetics research. The campaign against genetic engineering also aims at preventing irresponsible activities in the use of genetic resources. It also promotes and develops public policy towards the use of scientific knowledge.

It is important to note that although science has created a great impact to our lives, some people still ignore the importance of scientific knowledge. For instance, some people disregard the role of quantum scientists that made major contributions in the field of technology and the application of new technologies to solve practical problems. In fact, there are still people who are not open-minded when it comes to the application of new technologies to solve practical problems. As a result, the scope of science in public policy is still very limited and some areas of science are not given enough attention.